Thursday, February 28, 2008

Not much to report today

Had CAP last night. Good news is Cessna 227 will be stationed at our Squadron for a few months, or until Wing sells it. Its an older 1982 Cessna 172, but it flies well. I hope to take it up in a couple of weeks once the weather starts settling down.

Too tired when I got home to do any work on the plane. It was snowing rather bad, and I was in 4x4 (I own a 2007 Jeep Wrangler X) most of the way as the roads were really bad. About 1/2 mile from home some young woman decided its a good thing to speed, talk on the phone, and not pay attention to the weather and rear-ended me. Bad for her. Her car took some serious damage, and the Jeep has a couple scrapes in the plastic of the rear bumper. Nothing bad at all as far as I can tell. I kinda felt bad for her for a second or two till I accounted for the phone, the speeding and the lack of knowledge that driving on packed snow is a bad thing.

I've also been wondering about ArsTechnica. I've been a member (or rather HAD BEEN) since August of 1999. A couple of months ago, I had a rather serious blowout with some of the Mac diehards who all seem to love to complain about my posting style. But from what I gather the rather large influx of paying Mac folks, that all complained to the Moderators finally caught up with me and I got the ol' perma-ban. Mind you, I've posted the same way since the first day I logged in. I guess Ars wants to go respectable or something. And of course, respectable to some folks is not badmouthing the Mac, Apple or anything about them. But its totally fair game to badmouth Windows, Microsoft or anything about them. Even when its 100% total bunk you are not much allowed to call them out on it, at least in my style. I actually find myself missing posting on Ars which is almost sickening...

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