1/4th scale MiG-3 from Romain Research. This is an older set of plans, but I managed to find laser cut wood, all the fibreglass and a nice spinner for a really good price. I'll get started on this one once I knock out a couple of other planes. Here are some images of the plans and the kit:

A ImpScale (http://www.impscale.com) 1/5th scale MiG-3. This one I worked with ImpScale to redesign the plane as a more scale bird. Some changes included updates to the fuse, a little thinner cross section wing and some other goodies. I have the wing mostly done right now, well somewhat done. It's framed up but I still need to get to installing retracts (once I buy a set) and joining the three sections.
In the background you can see a few other planes I am working on... the SkyShark RC 1/6th scale Bf 109E and a 1/5th scale Jack Devine FW 190 A8/R2. The little white and purple job is a Great Planes Lancair ES, which I really have to just do the push rods for and get flying... but I'm lazy...
Some other planes in my collection include:
A 1/7th scale FW 190D9 by JEMCO. Its a bit old, but nice, very complete kit, built up balsa and ply fuse, foam wing. I have the fuse done, and hope to start on the wing soon. Its a shame these guys went under. If I'm not mistaken JEMCO used to be run by Jim Meister who ran Meister Scale for a long time before he passed. Meister Scale is very much still around and still adding new planes under its new owner: http://www.meister-scale.com/. In my honest opinion Meister Scales stuff is one of the best entries into larger scale R/C building.
A 1/6 scale FW 190D9 by Fibre Scale. Another nice kit with a VERY detailed epoxy glass fuse and foam wings. I've got the wings ready to cover for this one. Need to get some Hydrosol to do the mounting of the fuse formers to the glass fuse. These guys have been outta business for a while, and by the kit and knowing what they sold for new, I can see why. They could have sold these kits for a LOT more money.
A 1/5th scale Jack Devine FW 190A8 (as mentioned above) the fuse is mostly done, but I had some issues with the wing and recently got a new wing set from Jack. Jack's site is here: http://www.jackdevinemodels.com/. Be aware that Jack has a full time job and is recently a new father, so he runs a bit long for kit delivery, but they are WORTH EVERY PENNY and the wait.
A 1/5th scale P-51C with Malcolm hood from Jack Devine. Yep another one. Love his kits and couldn't pass up the deal when I saw this one for sale! Haven't really even started on this one yet.
A 1/5th scale Bf 109E from ImpScale. (http://www.impscale.com). Not even out of the box yet!
A 1/5th scale Ju-87 B2 Stuka from Nick Ziroli Plans (http://www.ziroliplans.com). I have a couple sets of plans and two sets of wood for this kit. I did up the horizontal stab once, but am going to do it again with the better cut wood. This is my 2nd largest plane with a 100" wing span. The horizontal stab itself is just over 36" long... as seen below...
A 1/10th scale Bf 110C from Velkom. They are no longer making this kit, but its a nice one with a full epoxy fuse, precovered foam wings and all the goodies needed. I have done work on this one on and off, but really didn't do much yet.
A 1/4.5th scale Me 163 from Joe Saittia. I'm converting from the built up wood wings to foam wings as I am more than likely going to try an usual propulsion method for this one...
I also have a couple of other little planes floating around, mostly for something to do when waiting to have enough cash to buy retracts or motors. Currently I'm flying a ParkZone Typhoon, Spitfire and a HobbyZone SuperCub. Yeah mostly foam electrics, but it keeps me flying!
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